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24 October.


The Girls
Kak meL


Wednesday, September 26, 2007
/ 9:38 PM

Omg. How time really flies! It's two weeks into the fasting month already and I still can't decide what I'm gonna do with my hair! Hee.
Anw, work's been sucha bore. And the people have attitude problem right down to their veins. (Pardon my english if you cant understand what I'm trying to say. Haha.) Not gonna elaborate coz talking about them irritate the hell out of me. Simply cant wait for my 3 months contract to end. THANK GOD there are a few eyecandies! Naj will definitely agree with me on this one. Only maybe for her its just an eyecandy. LOL. But anw, PHEW! Or I'll just die man(Okay this is so typical of me).

My mp3 just hanged on me just now. And I pressed the reset button with a pin cause its the only thing that i can find that fits into the hole AND now there's like a depression on the button and I really don't like it! Heart pain.

Oh and I have to do lots and lots of OT these days. What kind of a job is this man. Crazy. Even half of my saturdays are gone just for work. Goodness! I, Nur Aisyah Bte Hashim, have no life, until I finish the contract. *SIGH*

Somebody's special day just passed and I didn't even wish that person. Not that I forget or wad. Just felt redundant doing it personally. Well anyways, happy birthday to you.
Mine's coming real soon.



Monday, August 27, 2007
/ 12:40 AM

I am so bad at managing my time. I have to be awake to get ready for work in less than six hours and here I am, blogging for no reason. Hehh.

I'll be moving out from my current place this thursday. I'll definitely miss my current place a great deal man. But things just had to change and you'll just have to adapt to it. I had moved house once before but that was when I was eight so I was pretty young and in a way, didnt really have a life. I went through my teenage life here, the place where my grandfather passed, the place where I really grew up in. Also other memories which are not share-able. Haha.
And I heard the new owner is gonna do a major renovation of the house! I'm sure its gonna be so pretty. I guessed, like my mum said, things in this world are never permanent. You'll lose it one day or another. Hmm.. Very true.

Anyways, i hate to work lah. Ok let me rephrase. I hate work politics. You can never run away from them. ANYWHERE you go I guess, even in a very small company. So you can imagine a company which also has branches in Germany, China and I've no idea of the rest. Its intolerable.
And since the first job I've taken I can never ever understand why managers care so much if their temp workers were not doing anything even if it was just for 5 mins or it was already nearing to lunch time or clocking out time! Some people can be so nice in front of you and then talked bad behind. Even if you do have problems with me looking so free then use your mouth and tell me. Don't ask your people and tell them to teach me other stuff that the person I'm replacing didn't do before. I'm sure my supervisor knows better what I'm suppose to learn first and what later. Its so none of your business. I'm never gonna smile at him again. Although I think thats gonna be hard. Apparently I smile to everybody anybody everyday. Except for those who just refused to smile. I've crossed those people out. Hehe.

So sadly, it's work again tomorrow. Hopefully no monday blues. No black faces and no red noses. Haha. No matter what, I'm just glad I've made one good friend there. It's really comforting to know that we have so much in common and that include taste, opinion and also both of us are moving house this month! Coincidence or what! Although she already had moved out to bedok that is. Hehh. And both of us love shopping (I think all girls do lah) but i still wanna say it. We're just waiting for my first pay (She started working for a month before I joined the company)! So yah, I'm like so broke already I think I'm left with only 13 bucks in my account. Haiz.
Can't wait for pay day!!!!

By the way, did anyone saw the 2 so-called moons at around 12.30 just now? Cause I can't seem to even get a glimpse of the moon. Or have i just been punk'd?? Hmmm. Damn it.

Okay i'm done here.


Saturday, August 25, 2007
/ 9:22 AM

Decided to open up a personal blog. Using my previous blog add just for me to blabber whatever and whenever I feel like it. So exciting! Yeah right man.